Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Best Laid Plans goes free in US

Shader book 2, Best Laid Plans, is now FREE in the US.

It's still possible to win book 1, Cadman's Gambit, by entering a comment below, so you could get the first two books of the series for free.

Amazon link


  1. I would love win copies of your book.Thanks


  2. Thanks, Malvina. Will send later today. All the best. Derek

  3. Is this still available? If so I would like read your book. Thanks.


  4. I haven't read the second book yet and it would be great to be able to read the first one first.

  5. Ellen, let me have an email address and I'll send you a copy of book 1 (I'm at derekprior [at] yahoo.co.uk]

  6. i was going to post a comment asking why you would charge money for the first book and not the second one. I see you thought of that though. If you still have a copy ill take it. And just in case you do i'll get the sequel. thanks alot

  7. Thanks, Hubbarsh/Vlad. A copy of Cadman's Gambit has been gifted to you via Amazon. Best wishes, Derek

  8. I am just wondering if The Resurrection is really the first book?

  9. Hello Quazi. No, Cadman's Gambit is the first book. The Resurrection of Deacon Shader was a sort of forerunner of the series.

    I decided to drop it and start the series again a few years ago as I was no longer happy with the style. Some readers seemed to really like the style of Resurrection, though, so I left it out there as an earlier version of the story of the first three books of the Shader series.

    Naturally, though, the story evolved a lot in the new version and is in many ways unrecognizable. If you haven't started the books yet, I'd recommend leaping straight in to Cadman's Gambit. Let me know if you would like me to send you a Kindle copy. All the best.
